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Document Title: [Vanguard Tech.html (html file)]

Vanguard Pinouts and Switch Settings

Vanguard Pinouts and Switch Settings Pinouts

Submitted by Unknown

1) Tie the post of the speech board (SK6) to -5V

                     Solder           Parts
                        Gnd | 2 | 1 | Gnd
                        Gnd | 4 | 3 | Gnd
                        +5V | 6 | 5 | +5V
                        +5V | 8 | 7 | +5V
                 P2 Move Up |10 | 9 | P2 Move Down
               P2 Move Left |12 |11 | P2 Move Right
              P2 Fire Right |14 |13 | P2 Fire Left
               P2 Fire Down |16 |15 | P2 Fire Up
                 P1 Move Up |18 |17 | P1 Move Down
               P1 Move Left |20 |19 | P1 Move Right
              P1 Fire Right |22 |21 | P1 Fire Left
               P1 Fire Down |24 |23 | P1 Fire Up
                   1P Start |26 |25 | Coin
                       Coin |28 |27 | Gnd
                   2P Start |30 |29 | Gnd
                        Red |32 |31 | Green
                       Blue |34 |33 | Sync
                      Spkr+ |36 |35 | (Not Used?)
                       +12V |38 |37 | +12V
                       +12V |40 |39 | +12V 
                        Gnd |42 |41 | Gnd
                        Gnd |44 |43 | Gnd

Tie Spkr- to Gnd

Vanguard -- Vertical  Centuri '81

***************************** VANGUARD PINOUTS ****************************

         Solder Side            |          Parts Side
             GND            | 2 |  1|          GND
             GND            | 4 |  3|          GND
             +5V            | 6 |  5|          +5V
             +5V            | 8 |  7|          +5V
         2P  Up             |10 |  9|      2P  Down
         2P  Left           |12 | 11|      2P  Right
         2P  Fire Right     |14 | 13|      2P  Fire Left
         2P  Fire Down      |16 | 15|      2P  Fire Up
         1P  Up             |18 | 17|      1P  Down
         1P  Left           |20 | 19|      1P  Right
         1P  Fire Right     |22 | 21|      1P  Fire Left
         1P  Fire Down      |24 | 23|      1P  Fire Up
         1P  Start          |26 | 25|      Coin Switch #1
         Coin Switch #2     |28 | 27|          GND
         2P  Start          |30 | 29|          GND
         Video Red          |32 | 31|      Video Green
         Video Blue         |34 | 33|      Video Sync
         Speaker+           |36 | 35|
             +12V           |38 | 37|          +12V
             +12V           |40 | 39|          +12V
             GND            |42 | 41|          GND
             GND            |44 | 43|          GND

    Note:    Connect Speaker- to GND
    Note:    Connect post on speech board (SK6) to -5V

**************************** VANGUARD SWITCHES ****************************

__________________DIP SWITCH located on SK5 board___________
Setting      Value           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
Type         Upright         Off
             Cocktail        On
Number Ships 3                               Off Off
             4                               On  Off
             5                               Off On
             unused (3)                      On  On
Coin         1 coin 1 play                           Off
             1 coin 2 plays                          On

Note: SW2, SW3, and SW4 are factory settings and should remain in Off
position.  SW8 is non-functional.